Welcome to Filtrair India Pvt. Ltd.

FILTRAIR is Filtration Specialist of long standing. Today FILTRAIR is a multi-division, multi-technology company, offering Products of Industrial Filters and Filtration Systems, various Environment Control Systems, Water Treatment Plants & HVAC applications.
The Company achieved ISO 9001 status in the year 2000 and it is now An ISO 9001 :2008 Certified Company.
In 1989, we pioneered the indigenous development and manufacturing of Intake Air Filtration System for Gas Turbine & D.G. Sets/Gas Engines under technical collaboration of Locker Air Maze, UK (1989-94). Today, we have developed several important types of Panel Filters (both Pre-Filters & Final-Filters), Pocket-Filters, Cartridge-Filters, HEPA (absolute Filters) etc. using inhouse capability in research and design.
Principal Products :
- Gas turbine & Diesel Engine Filters
- Air filters (Reverse Pulse Air Cleaning)
- Auto-viscous Motorised Filters
- Low Pressure Oil Bath Filters
- Metalic Dry and viscous Filter, HDPE Filter, Micro Vee Filter, Rollomatic Filters, Bag Filters, Compressor Suction Air Filter, Panel Filters, Fine Filters, Pre-Filters, HEPA (absolute) Filters etc.
- Oil Filters (Fuel, Lub Oil & Hydraulics), Filter Elements (Basket, Cartridge & Disc type)
- Air Oil Separator, Gas Filter and Simplex Strainer/Duplex Strainer/Y type Strainer etc.
Projects :
- Complete Power Plant Intake Air System
- Exhaust Chimney.
Based on our inhouse expertise in Filtration Technology, we diversified into design, manufacture, supply, erection and commissioning of Environmental Control Systems,Water Treatment Plant & HVAC applications.
Principal Products :
- Cyclone & Pulse Jet Bag Filters
- Dust Extraction & Suppression System
- Industrial Scrubber
- Clean Room, A.H.U (HVAC & Fresh Air Type) and Ventilation System.
- Air Washer.
- Water treatment Plant, Cryo-container & Chilling Plants.
Projects :
- Pressurised Ventilation
- Air Washing
- Exhaust Chimney
- Dust Control Project.
Our Location
Contact Person : Mr. B. Roy Choudhury Sr. Engineer (Sales & Engg.)
Regd. Office : 12, Darga Road,(2nd Floor), Kolkata - 700 017
Telephone : 033 2290 2848. 2287 8372
Fax : 91 33 2287 8853
E-mail:[email protected]
Website : www.filtrairindia.com